Monday, June 14, 2010

Baseball Mothers are the WORST!

Baseball is taken very seriously in my sons league. So seriously, in fact, I've taken to calling one of his coach's the "Baseball Nazi". Its that serious! Most of the kids have their own bats...they KNOW their own bats...they LOVE their own bats. If you give a kid another bat he will NOT like it, he will NOT hit well with it. Boys know bats. So when a mother came to our dug out last monday and took two of our boys (one of them being my sons) bats back to her dugout under the guise of being "her sons" bats, things got touchy. Our dugout mom tried to get the bats back but before she could get over there Baseball mom put her sons name on these bats in PERMANENT MARKER! I know, right! So when Dugout mom came over she pointed out that her sons name was on them. Then she overhears Baseball mom's son tell her "mom, these aren't my bats, they're the wrong size". ARRGGHH!! So now Baseball mom has to scribble out the name that she wrote on said bats. Unbelievable the things that go through peoples minds. I was a "bit upset" when I heard this story and called Baseball mom out on it. I "nicely" asked her to purchase a new bat for my son since his was now defaced. However, my loving husband has informed me that is NOT a Christian thing to do and to just let it go. He is much better at that than I am. And while it made me feel like a fool (not his intention, I know) I do realize he was right. I told her to forget about the bat. My husband is obviously not a sisters both agree with me.

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